Monday, January 31, 2011

Cheerio, London!

Day two in London did not start out well. First, I about got us lost on the tube trying to find the Victoria coach station for our Stonehenge tour. Who knew there were two Victorias on the map?! We finally switched lines and found our destination, only to be told our tour had been canceled! I didn't quite hear the apologies from the lady, and was about to get real mad since it was my last day in London. She quickly offered to let us ride for free on the double decker tour bus around London, and then hop on the afternoon tour for Stonehenge. Lauren and I figured we had nothing to lose, and with lattes in hand, we boarded the vintage red bus. Our guide, Sheldon, was awesome and toured us through all of London's major landmarks. In three and a half hours, we saw Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace, St. Paul's Cathedral, the Tower of London, and drove down almost all the streets in London. We also got to cruise the River Thames and see Shakespeare's Globe, Cleopatra's Needle, the London Bridge, and the London Eye. It totally ended up being so amazing and I was glad our morning tour had been canceled. After our bus tour, we grabbed a quick lunch and boarded a small van headed for Stonehenge. During the hour and a half ride, we got in a quick nap and arrived well rested. Boy, it was cold at Stonehenge, but our furry hats kept us warm. The audio tour gave us an in depth history and unique perspective! Our evening ended with a trip to the theatre to see Dirty Dancing. The West End has to be one of my favorite areas in London because there are so many people out and about and it just feels alive and vibrant. Afterward we ate a late dinner at Maxwell's and recapped the days' events. I've definitely had two full days in London and can say I absolutely love this city! I'm about packed and ready to head to Stockholm tomorrow for the beginning of another adventure! But for now, Cheerio!

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